Parent/Guardian #1 Full Name * First Name Last Name Contact Number * (###) ### #### Relationship to Child * Parent/Guardian #2 Full Name First Name Last Name Contact Number (###) ### #### Relationship to Child Email * Emergency Name & Phone Number (other than parents) * Names of people authorized to pick up your child in addition to parents * Child Name * First Name Last Name Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY How old is your child? * Which day(s) would you like your child(ren) to attend? * SORRY WE ARE FULL, UNABLE TO ACCEPT MORE CHILDREN AT THIS MOMENT both camps are full! Does your child have any allergies that we should be aware of? * How did you hear about us? * Instagram Whatsapp/ Facebook groups XHS Referral/Others Referral (Please indicate who referred you) *only new referrals get 10% off* Additional comments/questions Thank you for your registration.! We will send an email confirmation within 48 hours. Sign Up Form*FYI - Both camps are full, not accepting any more children* Bring a sibling or a friend (new referrals only) for 10% off on FULL DAY camp*